Monday, May 23, 2016

Not much new

I haven't taken any new photos and I am still working on a space to build my kayak. I don't have any indoor space that will work so I have levelled off an area and plan to cover it with some rough framing and plastic.
© Peter Mitchell
Here is the area with some scavenged wood.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Kayak Project

I'm planning to strip build a 17.5' kayak and will post photos along the way. I started by buying some yellow cedar and red cedar for the strips. Seen here waiting to be cut into strips.

© Peter Mitchell

I built a strong back out of plywood.

© Peter Mitchell

And I scavenged some wood today to build some tall saw horses to work on.

© Peter Mitchell

To be continued...

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Looking Out

© Peter Mitchell
Looking out from behind a small waterfall. Very small, just enough room for the camera.