Wednesday, July 25, 2018

RV Trailer 6

© Peter Mitchell
The inner layer for the roof installed with cross pieces to provide support. Plan to use two layers of 1/2" rigid foam which should bend nicely to follow the curve of the roof.

© Peter Mitchell
Used these scraps to push up on the 1/8" plywood under each cross piece while the glue dried. Actually glued the first couple but then changed to use epoxy.

© Peter Mitchell
We have build out the front. This shows the inner layer of 1/8" plywood tacked down.

© Peter Mitchell
This is the inside of the front.

© Peter Mitchell
This is the back passenger side storage compartment where we will put the cooler style fridge, showing the tray on sliders.

Monday, July 16, 2018

RV Trailer 5

It has been a while since posting so here are some photos bringing this up to date.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell