Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 32

Copyright Peter Mitchell
We went for a hike today at Islet Lake in Blackfoot Grazing Reserve, which is east of Edmonton. We hiked to a point that is between Islet Lake and Elk Push Lake where there is a nice little view point over Islet Lake.

I hadn't take many photos up to this point. A few mushroom shots of the many varieties we had seen. We had just started back when this dragonfly flew by and landed on a twig to my left. The bright red colour caught my eye so I stopped to take a few shots.

After a few shots it flew around in a little circle and then came back and landed on another twig facing a different direction. I took a few more shots and tried a number of different angles. It was like it was posing there for me. Turning it's head now and then as if to say "How is this?". It repeated this several times giving me lots of opportunity to try different angles for different backgrounds.

The image above had a birch or poplar behind, I didn't look closely at the tree, but I liked the effect.

Here are a couple of others.

Copyright Peter Mitchell
Copyright Peter Mitchell

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