Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 143

© Peter Mitchell
What a difference a few days make. Last Sunday we were out at Pigeon Lake and it was open water. During the week the temperature dropped and I was anxious to get out to see what ice there was. I went out today and heard that it had frozen just two days ago. It looked frozen right across.

In a few places the ice had broken and bunched up, but for the most part it was flat and there was a layer of snow on it. There were these interesting patterns created by the cracks and the texture of the snow and hoar frost around the cracks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This looked like some sort of tracks by a wheel, only when you explained what it was it became even more interesting..I'd be curious to see a wider angle of this to get a sense of its location...Nice work Peter! yasmine