Thursday, April 26, 2012

Aoraki/Mt Cook

© Peter Mitchell
This is a shot of Aoraki/Mt Cook from the Hooker Glacier track. With all the stopping for photos it was about 5 hours return (about 12 km) to hike to the lake at the foot of the Hooker Glacier.

Queen Charlotte Track

© Peter Mitchell
The Queen Charlotte Track in New Zealand is a 71 km long track near Picton. We decided to walk the full length in 4 days staying at backpacker/home stay accommodation along the way and using the water taxi to transfer our bags each day. We just needed to carry a day pack. This is a nice way to hike!

The first day forecast called for sunny weather but as you can see in the shot above it was cloudy. We started at Ship's Cove in a light rain.

© Peter Mitchell

The above shot is the dock at Endeavour Inlet Holiday Camp on the morning of day two. A group of fishermen are about to leave.

© Peter Mitchell
Day three was 24.5 km mostly along a ridge with Queen Charlotte Sound on one side and Kenepuru Sound on the other. This fog was on the Kenepuru Sound side.

© Peter Mitchell
A view from the track on day four.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tongariro Alpine Crossing

© Peter Mitchell
Here is an image from the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. The trail is visible in the bottom centre and goes up the ridge to the right. The trail shows up well because it is quite wide. When zooming in on this photo there are actually hikers on the trail.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Forgotten World Highway

© Peter Mitchell
We travelled from New Plymouth to National Park on the Forgotten World Highway. The above shot is looking back towards Mt Taranaki.

© Peter Mitchell
This tunnel on the Forgotten World Highway was originally not as tall. The floor was dug down to make the tunnel taller to accommodate taller stock trucks. (I think the info panel said triple decker stock trucks.)
© Peter Mitchell
We arrived in Nation Park in preparation to hike the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. I went out at sunset and took this shot of Mt Ngauruhoe. The alpine crossing track ascends just to the north of this peak. More about this in the next post.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Kite Boarding

© Peter Mitchell
Today we walked the Coastal Walkway in New Plymouth, New Zealand. There was a group of kite boarders playing in the waves. They can get some amazing height.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mt Taranaki

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

We took a hike on Mt Taranaki today. Amazing views and a beautiful day. The rock in the photo is quite large. If you look in the lower left corner you can see some grasses and maybe get a bit of an idea of the size of the rock. It was probably 8 to 10 feet in length.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Travel Day

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell
We stopped at a nice little beach on our way to New Plymouth today. The first shot shows Mt. Taranaki in the distance.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Raglan, New Zealand

© Peter Mitchell
Hiked up to the lookout on the Karioi Track. This is the view towards Raglan from the lookout.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Raglan, New Zealand

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell
A day on the beaches at Raglan.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New Zealand

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell
We drove out to the west coast at Port Waikato and walked a beach and then headed through this area of limestone outcroppings on our way to Raglan.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Arrived in New Zealand

© Peter Mitchell
We have arrived in New Zealand and will spend the first night about 45 minutes south of Auckland. The backpackers we are staying at is on a farm so it is very relaxing.