Thursday, April 26, 2012

Queen Charlotte Track

© Peter Mitchell
The Queen Charlotte Track in New Zealand is a 71 km long track near Picton. We decided to walk the full length in 4 days staying at backpacker/home stay accommodation along the way and using the water taxi to transfer our bags each day. We just needed to carry a day pack. This is a nice way to hike!

The first day forecast called for sunny weather but as you can see in the shot above it was cloudy. We started at Ship's Cove in a light rain.

© Peter Mitchell

The above shot is the dock at Endeavour Inlet Holiday Camp on the morning of day two. A group of fishermen are about to leave.

© Peter Mitchell
Day three was 24.5 km mostly along a ridge with Queen Charlotte Sound on one side and Kenepuru Sound on the other. This fog was on the Kenepuru Sound side.

© Peter Mitchell
A view from the track on day four.

1 comment:

Breanna said...

This hike looks incredible! Beautiful pictures, Peter. I especially like the first two.