Sunday, November 13, 2016

Friday, September 30, 2016

Kayak Progress (Initial sanding done)

The deck and hull after initial sanding and filling, and then some more sanding.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

The following two shots show some spots on the hull that did not work out very well. I tried using some of the yellow cedar sanding dust with glue to fill some low spots. As you can see they yellowed so I'm not really happy with that. I'll have to do something with it before fibre glassing.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Kayak Progress (the last few days)

The following two shots show the deck after all the strips have been added.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

This shows after starting to remove the staples.

© Peter Mitchell

Staples removed on deck.

© Peter Mitchell

The next two shots show the hull with staples and then without staples.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

This shot is after doing the initial sanding on the hull.

© Peter Mitchell

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Kayak Progress

Here are a few shots showing progress over the last couple of days.

© Peter Mitchell

From the front looking towards the back.
© Peter Mitchell

From the front looking towards the back.
© Peter Mitchell

From the back looking towards the front.
© Peter Mitchell
 The piece of wood is tied down to apply pressure in order to keep the strips snug against the centre strip while the glue dries.
© Peter Mitchell

From the back looking towards the front.
© Peter Mitchell

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Kayak Progress

I continued stripping the deck today. I decided to add a simple pattern by adding 1 yellow cedar strip on each side, shown below.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

Then I added a yellow cedar strip down the centre. I will fill in the rest with red cedar. The photo below shows a block tied down. This was done to hold the strip down because the bow curves up at this point and the staples will not hold it. If it doesn't hold the shape when I take it off I will glue the next strips in and then tie it again until the glue dries.

© Peter Mitchell

The next photo shows the centre strip, from the stern, but not cut and glued in yet. I didn't get this one in today but thought I would show what it will look like.

© Peter Mitchell
It is hard to really get a sense of the shape from this perspective in the photos. It looks more like the bottom of the kayak instead of the top.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Kayak Progress

I prepared a couple of cradles and temporarily taped them to the hull in order to flip the whole thing over and start stripping the deck.

© Peter Mitchell

And here it is flipped over.

© Peter Mitchell

The next couple of shots show the first few rows started on the deck.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Kayak Project (hull strips done)

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Kayak Project (continued)

I have been adding strips to the hull section. Getting close to having this half complete.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Kayak Project (continued)

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell
I got the cedar strips finished last weekend and I have finally started using them to build my kayak.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Limber Pine

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell
A few shots of the Burmis limber pine which is in the Crowsnest area in Alberta. This tree is on a small ridge along the edge of the highway. It died in the late 1970's and then fell over in 1998. People in the area stood it up again and anchored it to the rock.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Kayak Project (continued)

Cut out all the stations and the bow and stern pieces and then placed them on the strongback to make sure they all fit. Working on attaching them now and then I am ready to cut my strips and start building.
© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kayak Project (continued)

I haven't spent that much time on my kayak project in the last month since other things have taken priority. But I did get my work space closed in, put some wood down over the sand floor, and have just started on getting the stations ready to cut out. The strongback is ready to go.
© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Rip Curl Pro Tofino (continued)

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell