Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Kayak Progress

I continued stripping the deck today. I decided to add a simple pattern by adding 1 yellow cedar strip on each side, shown below.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

Then I added a yellow cedar strip down the centre. I will fill in the rest with red cedar. The photo below shows a block tied down. This was done to hold the strip down because the bow curves up at this point and the staples will not hold it. If it doesn't hold the shape when I take it off I will glue the next strips in and then tie it again until the glue dries.

© Peter Mitchell

The next photo shows the centre strip, from the stern, but not cut and glued in yet. I didn't get this one in today but thought I would show what it will look like.

© Peter Mitchell
It is hard to really get a sense of the shape from this perspective in the photos. It looks more like the bottom of the kayak instead of the top.

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