Tuesday, August 14, 2018

RV Trailer 8

© Peter Mitchell
 Started the wiring.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell
Part of the bed platform put into place.

© Peter Mitchell
And the outside sheathing is all in place now.

© Peter Mitchell

© Peter Mitchell

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Savary Island

© Peter Mitchell
Took a break from the trailer work today and went to Savary Island. Beautiful day out on the beach, nice for swimming, and we were there early enough to get this driftwood shelter to use for shade.

RV Trailer 7

© Peter Mitchell
Started adding the rigid foam insulation on the roof, two layers of 1/2", with wood added along the edge between the cross pieces. The photo below shows the edge piece with some temporary cross pieces screwed on to hold the rigid foam in place on the curve until we get the outside sheathing on.

© Peter Mitchell
 From the front with just one layer of foam insulation and not held down yet.

© Peter Mitchell
 Also started preparing the inside back storage area for priming and painting. The bed platform is pulled out of the way to make this step easier.

© Peter Mitchell